Item Pricing

As a consignor, you choose how to price your items, but we receive many requests for advice with this task. We have created this pricing guide as a starting point and reference for you to see the range that items typically sell for at Pigtails & Cowlicks. Just because we created this guide does not mean that you need to price within these ranges – this is just a general list.

Tips for Pricing

  • Consignor the name brand. For example, a boutique dress would typically be priced higher than a dress from Target.

  • What would you pay for the item in its current state? Hint – you may need to separate yourself from the emotional attachment you could feel to the item.

  • A general rule of thumb is 25-40% of the retail price for the item, depending on brand name and condition.

  • Toys often sell for 50% of their original prices, especially kitchens, tables, Star Wars, Legos, LeapFrog products, ride-on toys, etc.

Kids’ Clothing

Coats $5-14

Dresses (casual) $4-8

Dresses (dressy) $5-12

Jackets $3-7

Leggings $2-5

Outfits (2+pieces) $5-15

Pajamas $2-5

Pants $2-6

Shirts $2-6

Shoes (casual) $2-6

Shoes (dressy) $4-8

Shorts $2-6

Skirts $2-5

Sweatshirts/Hoodies $2-7

Baby Equipment

Bassinet $20-$40

Boppy Pillow $4-8

Bouncy Seat $5-15

Car seat with base $15-40

Exercauser $10-25

Glider with Ottoman $25-100

Highchair $10-30

Pack ‘n Play $15-50

Stroller – double $30-80

Stroller – jogger $50-90

Stoller – single $10-40

Strollers – umbrella $2-10

Swing $20-50

Infant Clothing

Bibs (group of 3+) $2-5

Gowns/sleepers $2-5

Onesies (groups of 3+) $2-5

Rompers $2-6

Socks (groups of 3+) $2-5

Bedding/Room Décor Bed rail $5-8

Blankets (receiving sets of 3+) $2-5

Blankets $2-8


Backpacks $3-7

Belts $2-4

Gloves/hats $2-4

Purses $2-7

Socks (groups of 3+) $1-5